The Manifestation Babe Blog

Ready to embark on a journey of limitless possibilities, empower your life & unlock the secrets of successful manifestation? 

Dive into stories & insights that are sure to ignite your inner manifestation magic! 


Hey Gorgeous Soul! As most of the world is still super excited about the new year ahead, I can’t help but to reach out to the babes out there who are feeling like they are a little bit behind in their lives. The New Year is a time for new beginnings, new goals, excitement, hope, […]

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Hello Gorgeous Soul! Today I wanted to share with you babes something that I posted on all of my social media sites last week. It was called “25 super simple ways to radically improve your life starting today.” This is basically a list of 25 ways to start living up to your potential, make some […]

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Hey hey hey! So happy to have the beautiful opportunity to chat with you again. First and foremost I just wanted to THANK you for allowing me to pop into your inbox on a regular basis. I feel so blessed to have someone like you who reads my content regularly and it’s babes like YOU […]

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Hey Gorgeous Soul! As we begin to step into a powerful new year ahead of us, LOTS of us are thinking about the intentions we’d like to set.  I know at least ONE of your desires is to be more abundant and attract more money into your life. Am I right? Or am I right? […]

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Life purpose. Life purpose. LIFE PURPOSE. What the hell is my life purpose?!?!  I bet you can agree with me that the phrase “life purpose” has become the biggest buzz phrase of the spiritual community this year. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is in search of it. It’s alllll the rage right now. People […]

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Hey Gorgeous Souls! I am SO excited to finally announce that I have achieved my biggest goal of 2016. I am COMPLETELY debt free as of last night!!! EEEE!! Before I get into some of my biggest and best tips when it comes to erasing debt using spiritual principles that I teach, I wanted to […]

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5 mistakes you might be making when manifesting: Mistake Number One: You ask more than once. Asking for what you want is step number one of starting the manifesting process. It’s really crucial. If you’re in my course, you’ll know this from the 5-step no-fail manifesting process I share in week 3. If you don’t […]

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Ok real talk right now. If you say yes to any of the questions that I’m about to list, you may be blocking some amazing shit from coming your way. Make a mental note right now to keep track as you read this post. How often do you get super stressed out when you remember […]

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Hey Gorgeous Soul! Of course I was in the shower tonight, when this blog post idea came to me. Something told me that there’s SOMEONE in your life right now, bugging the living shit out of you. You just can’t stand them. They make you want to take a fork to the eyeball. They make […]

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Hey beautiful! I hope you’re having an amazing day! Life is truly beautiful even when the Universe knocks us off our feet to teach us valuable lessons. Today, as I drove home from my corporate job 4 hours early due to feeling unwell, I decided it was time to address something with my manifestation babes, […]

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About me

Who is Kathrin Zenkina?

Kathrin Zenkina is a globally renowned leading expert in manifestation, spirituality and subconscious reprogramming. As a Russian-Ukrainian immigrant, Kathrin experienced an impoverished upbringing that fueled her desire to create life on her own terms. This hunger for more led her to a journey of transformation that would influence countless lives through her personal development brand, Manifestation Babe®. Through her mission to positively impact the world by modernizing ancient wisdom, simplifying Universal principles, and providing cutting-edge strategies and tools to help women achieve their once “impossible” dreams, Kathrin reached the impressive milestone of becoming a millionaire by age 25, and has successfully grown Manifestation Babe into a $25M+ company in just 7 years. Her work has directly impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals, including celebrities, influencers, best-selling authors and top corporate executives. In alignment with her purpose to serve others, Kathrin has pursued certification in more than 15 of the most effective healing modalities and shares her wisdom and teachings with her collective online following of over 500,000 people through social media, digital courses, #1 best-selling books, and the top-charting, Manifestation Babe Podcast which boasts more than 15M downloads. Follow Kathrin's journey on Instagram at @manifestationbabe.


Self-made multimillionaire showing u how to defy all logic & manifest ur most unrealistic dreams! Mama to baby Orion <3