After 13+ years of researching, studying, and implementing various manifestation tools, strategies & techniques I’ve learned a thing or two about what actually works and what doesn't. Below you’ll discover the programs I’ve created utilizing my knowledge and experience to help you learn how to step into your highest potential and manifest your absolute best life! Let’s get started!
The Manifestation Babe Academy is the all-in-one, everything-you-could-possibly-need-to-know, 20-week school of manifesting YOUR unique dream life. Utilizing the principles of energy, universal laws, ancient spirituality, human design, and subconscious reprogramming, MBA is guaranteed to help you completely shift your reality by eliminating all the blocks that are keeping you living the reality you most desire. This is the ONLY program you will ever need when it comes to manifesting your dream life. If you’re ready to harness the full power of the Universe and tap into your unique manifesting gifts to create a life on YOUR terms, this program is for YOU!
Rule your reality as the MF QUEEN and start manifesting on your command! Through your upbringing you were likely programmed to believe all kinds of narratives about money that simply aren’t true.
And through that process, you gave money the power to take rulership over you even though the rulership has always been yours.
Sovereign Money is about remembering WHO you are so that you can rewire archaic money beliefs, expand your capacity to receive and finally reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth!
Ever wanted to know the secret sauce to not just setting, but actually ACHIEVING your BIGGEST goals without working yourself to the ground?
Goal-setting and goal MANIFESTING just got SO much better! In just 5-days you’re going to learn my tried and true methods to creating an aligned action plan for 2025 so you can jump into the best year of your life with massive momentum!
There are endless vision board trainings out there that will teach you how to slap a bunch of random pictures together and call it a “vision board”, and if that approach ever actually worked for you, you wouldn’t be HERE eagerly looking for a process that delivers RESULTS.
Master the art of 3D printing your desires into reality with my proven step-by-step process for creating a vision board to support & speed up your manifestations - without fail.
Get to the bottom of why your goals & desires aren't manifesting so that you can heal manifestation burnout and get back to living the dream life you were always meant to live! This program is like checking yourself into a 10 day spa retreat for the soul, where you will come out feeling crystal clear, knowing exactly what to do, and seeing floods of RESULTS in places that were once barren deserts. If you're ready for your manifestation breakthrough, then you're ready for the Manifestation Reset.
This isn't your average "visualize, cross your fingers and hope for the best" kinda training. In this 90 minute masterclass we are clearing all those feelings around money that aren’t serving you including anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, and guilt in the most painless way possible. A way that actually feels FUN. So that manifesting money becomes an enjoyable process. One that feels light, filled with pleasure. Satisfaction. And joy. And I'm not just teaching you HOW the unconscious mind communicates so that you finally get on the same page–although you’ll learn that too–but how to make ALL the resistance you have toward manifesting money completely go away. Allow me to melt your money blocks away FOR YOU so that you can start writing your brand new abundant AF money story babe
No matter how financially successful we may already be, we may still be holding onto limiting beliefs about money that are preventing us from skyrocketing our incomes to the level that we feel most fulfilled at. In Tapping Into Massive Wealth, we will use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to blast through 7 of our most crippling financial beliefs. This is one of the best methods proven to rid the body of energetic and emotional attachments that create resistance to having more more wealth. Also a great compliment program to the Unleash Your Inner Money Babe book for that extra manifestation boost.
Combine the magic of Manifestation Babe with the most effective business strategies inside of James Wedmore’s Business By Design to get the EDGE in business you’ve been looking for! Once a year the doors to BBD X MB swing open to give you the absolute best training, tools & resources to skyrocket your success with 11+ exclusive MB business bonuses when you enroll in Business By Design with Manifestation Babe!
Beginner to manifesting money? Don’t know where to start? I designed a workbook that will get you in the habit of believing that money is an unlimited resource AND manifest $1,000 along the way. Look at this book as a 21-day journey that will make sure you never look at money in the same limiting way again by the end of it. Unleash Your Inner Money Babe is an Amazon #1 best-seller with over 450 5-star ratings for a reason – it freaking works.
Every successful person out there knows that a morning and an evening routine is crucial for creating success. These routines keep them grounded and focused on their vision on a daily basis. I created a journal that allows you to discover more about yourself while developing a morning and evening routine in just 21 days. Filled with inspiring quotes and thought provoking prompts, She’s Killin’ It jourinal is a must-have on your bedside table.
Let’s take this adventure offline shall we?
Although the internet and social media platforms are powerful tools for positively impacting the masses, I absolutely love the opportunity to create a more intimate and personal experience with in-person events.
From hosting retreats to key-note speaking opportunities – there’s nothing quite like getting to teach and connect with my students face to face!
Follow me on TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & Twitter to get access to the best content, tools, strategies & teachings for manifesting a reality wilder than your wildest dreams!