The Best Year

Create Massive Momentum and Make 2024

of your life!





5-Day Bootcamp

Ever wanted to know the secret sauce to not just setting, but actually ACHIEVING your BIGGEST goals without working yourself to the ground?

Goal-setting and goal MANIFESTING

just got SO much better! In just 5-days you’re going to learn my tried and true methods to creating an aligned action plan for 2024 so you can jump into the best year of your life with massive momentum!

Unlock Your Highest Potential and Achieve Your BIGGEST Goals in 2024 with MY


That ends NOW.

Tired of living the same year of your life over and over again? Keep sabotaging your New Year plans by the time February rolls around? Unsure you're able to achieve what you want because of the uncertainties of the last few years?

The first time I figured out this process worked was the year that I jumped my biz revenue from $9,000 to $600,000 in just ONE YEAR.

Every year since then, I have continued to follow this process, and now my revenue has grown to be on pace with 8-figures, I am married to the man of my dreams, we travel the world, live in our dream house... well, you get it! The sky is the limit. Just like it is for YOU. Every goal I set, as massive and as unattainable as it may have felt, has come true through the power of this strategic goal setting plan and the magic of manifestation.

Through implementing the exact goal-setting system I teach you in Epically Aligned, I've been able to manifest the exact business, marriage, and lifestyle that I have ALWAYS dreamt of.

Epically Aligned is the place where I teach you this exact process and give you a space to build a confident plan to achieve your biggest, wildest dreams!

You will have the EXACT system to manifest your dream business, dream career, dream relationship, dream body, dream vacation, dream house, and whatever else that floats your boat in 2024.

How many times have you set the SAME goals year after year?

Only to be filled with disappointment that they don't manifest? Or worse... you don't even set goals because you're afraid of letting yourself down?

What if you could set BIG goals for 2024 that left you feeling fired up & confident for the year ahead, knowing you have a plan to guarantee you the results you’ve been dreaming of?

Epically Aligned Is Where You’ll Learn Exactly How To:

Create space for a brand new belief system aligned with your heart's deepest desires

Create a customized & actionable plan for the next 12 months to guarantee 2024 is the best year of your life

Get crystal clear on what you DO want to support you and your dreams for lifetimes to come!

Utilize the power of the subconscious mind and reprogram your beliefs to take action on your goals from a place of pure alignment

Combine the powerful tool of manifestation & inspired action to reach your goals easily and effortlessly


5 LIVE 60-90 minute goal-setting & goal-manifesting workshops

$997 Value


24/7 Lifetime Access 

Including All Updates!


Exclusive Meditations, Hypnosis & Visualizations

$398 Value


Private Community to Provide Accountability & Support




Take A Peek At What’s Inside Epically Aligned!

Katherine Lopez

“I'd like to share that I successfully manifested my dream home after completing Epically Aligned 2019!

I can vividly remember doing one of the meditations, visualizing my dream home and looking down our hallway into a kitchen filled with friends. I had no clue how this would come to be since my we lived with my father-in-law and were far from our down-payment really far. Logically, it would be years before we were ready to buy. Fast forward to the craziness that was 2020, I had forgotten all about that meditation. In the meantime, I started dabbling in the stock-market. I ended up doing so well that we had our down-payment and then some! I never in a million years could have seen that coming, but this isn't even the best part! We looked at so many houses. We even closed on one, but the sellers backed out. The night our realtor called about this house; I was quite discouraged. I did not want to get my hopes up again. But everything fell into place perfectly. It was meant to be! Then, after a few months of living here, we had friends over and as I looked down the hallway into our kitchen, it was like Deja Vu. The view was eerily similar to what I had visualized nearly a year prior.

Krystal De Souza

My life since Epically Aligned...

Holy cow when I say it literally changed my life.

It. Literally. Changed. My. Life. Going into epically aligned I was confused on how to do exactly what I wanted to do. I had all these ideas in my head but no clear direction. I was in college taking courses that were literally meaningless and costing thousands of dollars for a degree I didn’t even want. I was only doing it because that’s what I was told my whole life. What happened next? I dropped out of college and stopped taking courses simply because I thought it was the right thing to do. I met so many wonderful people through here that have helped build community and connection. I hired a coach (who I met here) who helped me get clear on what I wanted and how to do it. Same month I have started my business, created my website and rolled out relative content. I’m so grateful to have taken this course and met all of you! It has been wonderful.YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING 

Alexa Pavan

Hey Babes! I just wanted to come here and say Epically Aligned WORKS.

I set three goals early this year and they all manifested way ahead of schedule, with my last and biggest goal manifesting last month! My biggest goal was to start my own copywriting business this year and I already have two clients! This is my first ever business but I have been working diligently and manifesting my dream life. My biggest takeaway, do not worry about HOW. Just take action!

Natasha Mundie

I did it!! I manifested one of my goals I set on Epically Aligned!!

I learnt how to and started my very own podcast!! I’m so passionate about empowering women into Queens from in the inside out. Welcome to Queen Creations Radio!!! I would love for you to check it out, subscribe, rate and share with another Queen. Help me spread the empowerment so we can all be queens!!

Nicole Havs

In December one of my goals during this workshop was to be able to quit my 9-5 and do something I love. 

This month I started my reiki business part time and I've been blown away with how much (organic) business (and support) I've received doing this. I've felt so magnetic ever since I started doing it & I've been seeing 111 everywhere. Manifesting being able to actually quit now and do this full time . Appreciate this group and all the magic that's happening for everyone

Here's what past students have to say about Epically Aligned



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The doors to Epically Aligned 2023 have CLOSED.


About me

Who is Kathrin Zenkina?

Kathrin Zenkina is a globally renowned leading expert in manifestation, spirituality and subconscious reprogramming. As a Russian-Ukrainian immigrant, Kathrin experienced an impoverished upbringing that fueled her desire to create life on her own terms. This hunger for more led her to a journey of transformation that would influence countless lives through her personal development brand, Manifestation Babe®. Through her mission to positively impact the world by modernizing ancient wisdom, simplifying Universal principles, and providing cutting-edge strategies and tools to help women achieve their once “impossible” dreams, Kathrin reached the impressive milestone of becoming a millionaire by age 25, and has successfully grown Manifestation Babe into a $25M+ company in just 7 years. Her work has directly impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals, including celebrities, influencers, best-selling authors and top corporate executives. In alignment with her purpose to serve others, Kathrin has pursued certification in more than 15 of the most effective healing modalities and shares her wisdom and teachings with her collective online following of over 500,000 people through social media, digital courses, #1 best-selling books, and the top-charting, Manifestation Babe Podcast which boasts more than 15M downloads. Follow Kathrin's journey on Instagram at @manifestationbabe.