Effortlessly Release 7 Of Your Most Limiting Financial Beliefs In Just 7 Days Using EFT
Money has never before been such an abundant resource.
It's never been EASIER to make money than it is today.
Yet.... you're still not seeing as much of it as you would like.
You find yourself working overtime, hustling in your business, taking on another job that you don't want to take on, and doing just about everything you HATE in hopes of pursuing a life that you LOVE.
Anytime the word “money” comes up, you start sweating. You feel as if an elephant just sat on your chest and you can’t breathe.
But, is this actually normal? Why allow this to be our norm?
Are we supposed to resist money?
Why DO we even resist money?
We’ve all been conditioned to think of money as a scarce commodity. We’ve all been taught that money is something we should never openly talk about or pursue because “it’s just not that important.” We’re led to believe that money is a limited resource and so having any more than just enough to get by, is self-centered and greedy.
By fearing money? By overworking? By hustling? By taking on 3 jobs just to open up the possibility to travel more? By struggling their way to the top?
The wealthy are wealthy not because they DO more....
but because they hold ZERO resistance toward money.
They allow it to FLOW.
Whether they were born that way, earned their way to the top, won the lottery, or built a successful business, it doesn’t really matter. Zero resistance means that you have no negative emotions associated with money.
You see money as a neutral resource. You see it as a TOOL that can massively enhance your life.
You see it as an opportunity amplifier. You see the possibilities within money rather than the problems you think it causes.
Money is not the root of all evil. Not a scarce commodity. Not something that requires us to be WORTHY and prove that we are good enough.
As someone who, just three years ago, found herself completely broke and in $25,000 worth of debt living on her grandmas couch, I totally know what it’s like to completely resist money from flowing into my life.
There’s nothing more frustrating than being capable of earning money while also simultaneously watching the flow to your bank account pinch off and become nonexistent.
The very beliefs we hold around money are what determine how money shows up in our life.
It’s time for you to release all the resistance you are holding toward money. It’s time to eliminate the financial limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.
If they do, it's safe to say that they are the VERY reasons why money isn't showing up at its fullest in your life.
Now, I’m not guaranteeing that EFT is a magical Unicorn here to push a button and make you an instant millionaire, but what I will say is that this is one of the MOST effective tools I’ve been using to release resistance since I became a Master EFT Practitioner.
Look at this as a stand-alone program AND a massive boost if you’re already familiar with the Rich Babe process.
It has changed my life in more ways that I could ever think of. It goes beyond money for me, but that is one area that’s shifted the most in the last two years.
Now... It's my mission to help you use EFT (or Emotional Freedom Technique) to annihilate 7 of your most crippling limiting beliefs around money in just 7 days.
This program was designed to give you the magic of EFT, also known as “tapping” in the personal development world, and apply it to a VERY emotionally sensitive area of your life — money and finances.
Most of you are familiar with my Rich Babe Academy program (my 6 week money mindset mastery course) that took me from Grandma’s couch, to a self-made millionaire in just 2 years.
There is ONE tool I didn’t learn until much later in my financial freedom and money attraction journey that made the entire game so much simpler– you guessed it: EFT.
It's time to become a CLEAR CHANNEL for money to come through!
Upon enrollment, you will receive an email explaining to you how to access the Manifestation Babe Member’s Only portal that contains the program.
Inside the portal, you will get a Tapping into Massive Wealth guidebook explaining the EFT process and the breakdown of how the program works. You will also find links to each of the daily sessions accessed via video, as well as the 7 PDF scripts.
On each day of the program, you will be tapping along with me to release that day’s limiting financial belief. Each of the sessions are less than 10 minutes long which means that in less than the time it would take you to make your morning latte, you can start your day feeling energized, light, free, and excited to attack the day with a positive mental attitude.
Tapping into Massive Wealth is 100% possible and I am so excited to help you open yourself up to all the abundance in the world that you can possibly imagine.
Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT for short) was designed to help you re-balance your emotions (or energy) utilizing ancient Chinese medicine practices of tapping on the body’s natural energy meridian points.
Similar to acupuncture, EFT applies pressure to these points located in the body’s meridian by literally tapping on them. Any energy blockages surrounding an issue lighten and lift off the client within 10-15 minutes.
EFT is also a great way to promote the natural flow of the body’s energy through the meridian and bring everything back into balance on a daily basis.
Since EFT doesn’t require practitioners or special needles, it can be done anywhere at anytime. You can do it privately at home, on an airplane, in the car, or even behind your desk. It’s such a great tool to have in your back pocket any time you need to access it.
Once you master these 7 money limiting beliefs, you can use the exact same tapping process to tap on any other limiting beliefs (money related or not) or anything else that you are having an adverse emotional reaction to.
You're probably wondering... how exactly does EFT work?
Get the entire
For a SUPER limited time, this program is available for you to snag for just 1 easy payment of $44.
Yes, I'm serious! No, that's not a typo!
The freedom EFT has brought into my life is honestly priceless, but if I WERE to price this program it would definitely be above $1,000. Sign up now to lock in this special rate of $44.
I’m so excited — I’ve manifested a book deal with a huge publisher and I owe it to Epically Aligned. I’ve done the work. I feel so clear and so strong on my intentions and goals for the first time. I totally understand what it means to embody the new version of you. I’m going through life pretending I already have what I want and I’m starting to see how it’s materializing.
Just finished our hypnosis Kathrin Zenkina gave us for my second time. Tell me why I was checking myself out in the mirror today looking like a whole boss. Level up ladies! Let's challenge each other to put in the work and do the inner alignment all year.
One of my goals during this workshop was to be able to quit my 9-5 and do something I love. This month, I started my reiki business part time and I've been blown away with how much (organic) business (and support) I've received. I've felt so magnetic ever since I started doing it & I've been seeing 111 everywhere.
One of my goals was to manifest $10k in income per month. For January, I got verbal manifestation of $15K and actual manifestation (through cash,checks and direct deposits) of $10,500. The reminder will hit in direct deposit next week. I am believing my goals are done and I am not afraid to track them.
Kathrin Zenkina is a globally renowned leading expert in manifestation, spirituality and subconscious reprogramming. As a Russian-Ukrainian immigrant, Kathrin experienced an impoverished upbringing that fueled her desire to create life on her own terms. This hunger for more led her to a journey of transformation that would influence countless lives through her personal development brand, Manifestation Babe®. Through her mission to positively impact the world by modernizing ancient wisdom, simplifying Universal principles, and providing cutting-edge strategies and tools to help women achieve their once “impossible” dreams, Kathrin reached the impressive milestone of becoming a millionaire by age 25, and has successfully grown Manifestation Babe into a $25M+ company in just 7 years. Her work has directly impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals, including celebrities, influencers, best-selling authors and top corporate executives. In alignment with her purpose to serve others, Kathrin has pursued certification in more than 15 of the most effective healing modalities and shares her wisdom and teachings with her collective online following of over 500,000 people through social media, digital courses, #1 best-selling books, and the top-charting, Manifestation Babe Podcast which boasts more than 15M downloads. Follow Kathrin's journey on Instagram at @manifestationbabe.