The 5 Hidden Blocks Keeping You Stuck in the ‘I Don’t Know What I Want’ Trap

Let’s get one thing straight: constantly affirming “I don’t know what I want” doesn’t just describe your reality—it creates it. Your mind focuses on what you feed it, so if you keep telling yourself you don’t know what you want, you’ll stay in that fog forever. 

I like to call this the “I don’t know what I want” syndrome, and it’s holding countless people back from living the life they truly desire. Fulfilling your desires isn’t just a human whim—it’s a divine purpose. Without desires, there’s no motivation, and without motivation, there’s no progress in the game of life. Your desires are a gift, a guide to learning, growing, and evolving.

If you’ve found yourself stuck in the “I don’t know” mindset, you’re not alone, but it’s time to break free.

Why “I Don’t Know What I Want” is a Dangerous Lie

The Universe responds to certainty, not hesitation. When you avoid your desires, and get stuck in indecision and uncertainty, you’re neglecting a vital part of your spiritual growth and collective evolution.

The truth is, the phrase “I don’t know what I want” is a protective mechanism, created as a shield by your subconscious to keep you safe from the unknown. But deep down, you do know what you want. In fact, the problem isn’t that you don’t know at all—it’s that you’re likely facing five major blocks that are clouding your vision.

These blocks can feel like fog on the windshield of your manifestation journey, making it nearly impossible to see the road ahead. But don’t worry, babe—I’m here to help you break through them. Let’s dive into the five most common clarity blocks and how you can bust through them once and for all.

The Five Blocks Holding You Back from Clarity

If you’re struggling to gain clarity on what you want, it’s not because you don’t know. It’s because one or more of these five blocks are in your way:

1. Fear of Judgment

You’re not confused about what you want—you’re afraid of what others will think. Fear of judgment is a huge barrier, especially if your desires don’t align with what society, your family, or your past self expects. Remember, people’s reactions to your success are a reflection of their limitations, not yours.

Breaking Through: Here’s the thing: other people’s opinions are none of your business. Your dreams are yours alone. They were planted in your heart for a reason. When you let go of the need for approval, you free yourself to claim what’s truly aligned with your soul. Start small—declare your desires to yourself first. Write them down, say them out loud in front of a mirror, and get comfortable owning them. The more you practice, the less you’ll care about what others think. Remember, the only opinion that matters is your own.

2. Doubting the Possibility

You may believe that your dreams are too big, too unrealistic, or too far out of reach. So, you settle for smaller, safer goals to avoid disappointment. But playing small only leads to resentment and regret. When you create from possibility instead of circumstance, anything becomes achievable.

Breaking Through: Doubt is nothing more than a story—a story you have the power to rewrite. Get clear on where your doubt is coming from. Is it based on past experiences? Limiting beliefs? Fear of failure? Once you identify the source, challenge it. Start gathering evidence that supports the possibility of your dreams. Look for examples of others who’ve achieved what you desire. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. The more you feed your mind with stories of possibility, the more your doubt will shrink, and your clarity will grow.

3. Overwhelm from the “How”

The “how” can paralyze you. Society loves to tell us that success requires hard work, sacrifice, and struggle. But the “how” is not your job—it’s the Universe’s. When you let go of the need to control every step, you allow the Universe to work its magic.

Breaking Through: Let’s get one thing straight: the “how” is not your job. Your job is to get clear on the “what” and the “why.” The Universe handles the “how.” When you release the need to know every step in advance, you create space for clarity to flow in. Start by getting clear on what excites you the most about your dream. Focus on the feelings you want to experience. When you lead with your heart and intuition, the path will reveal itself one step at a time. Trust that the Universe has your back and that everything is unfolding in divine timing.

4. Survival Mode Thinking

Your brain is wired to focus on what could go wrong—it’s a survival mechanism from our ancient past. But in today’s world, it’s more important to listen to your heart and soul. Shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want, and watch your reality change.

Breaking Through: It’s time to shift from surviving to thriving. Start by carving out time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes a day, to reconnect with your desires. Ask yourself, “What would I want if anything were possible?” Let yourself dream without limits. Practice gratitude to shift your focus from lack to abundance. When you start to see the blessings in your life, no matter how small, you create an energetic shift that opens the door to clarity. Remember, you are worthy of more than just getting by. You are worthy of living a life that lights you up.

5. Misconception About Specificity

There’s a myth in the manifestation community that you need to be hyper-specific about your desires. But that’s not always true. Some people, like me, thrive on general intentions rather than detailed lists. Whether you’re a specific or general manifester, trust that the Universe knows what you want and will deliver it in the best possible way.

Breaking Through: Specificity doesn’t limit you; it empowers you. When you get specific about what you want, you send a clear signal to the Universe. You’re not closing doors; you’re opening them wide to exactly what you desire. Think of it this way: the more specific you are, the more aligned your energy becomes. And when your energy is aligned, the faster your manifestations will come. Start by getting clear on the essence of what you want. What’s the core feeling or experience you’re after? Once you know that, you can fine-tune the details. Trust that the Universe will bring you exactly what you need in the perfect way.

Embrace Your Desires and Manifest Your Dreams

You only live once as the current version of you. Don’t waste this lifetime by holding yourself back. Embrace your desires, no matter how big or bold they are, and take action towards them without fear. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, the Universe already knows your heart’s deepest wishes. Trust in the process, and allow yourself to receive everything you’ve ever dreamed of—and more.

Remember, clarity isn’t about knowing every single detail of your desires; it’s about understanding the essence of what you want and opening yourself to receive it in whatever form the Universe deems best. Stop saying “I don’t know what I want” and start declaring what you do want. Your desires are the key to unlocking your most fulfilling life.

If you want to dive into a super helpful resource created to help you get crystal clear about your desires right now, CLICK HERE to download my free “Clarity To Create Your Dream Life” workbook now!


Self-made multimillionaire showing u how to defy all logic & manifest ur most unrealistic dreams! Mama to baby Orion <3 

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