Check out how Manifestation Babe did for the month of March in 2018!
March Revenue: $150,723.32

Manifestation Babe, LLC has generated just over $150,000 from online courses and books in the month of March of 2018.
March was definitely one of those BREAKTHROUGH months for me as the CEO. January was the highest revenue month we’ve ever had, and we just broke through the limits of this company by 50%. #HellYeah.
Funny enough, after bringing in just over $70k in February, I wrote a check for $120,000 that’s currently on my fridge. I decided that March would be the month that I would break through my financial limits. If I was able to go from $9k in all of 2016 to over $600,000 in 2017 (a difference of just 1 year), then I could totally do it again this year.
I decided to believe in myself, believe in my team, and trust that I could create a massive launch with the Rich Babe Academy.
We started the month in Costa Rica where we spent 10 days with family while working in a hammock or a lounge chair by the beach. Then we ventured off to see Tony Robbins in San Jose where we brought with us almost 70 women to experience Tony Robbins in person for the first time. The last week or so has been filled to the brim with Bali preparation as the next Manifestation Babe Bali Retreat is just around the corner! Holy F, we are SO excited!!
I had some mental blocks around the Rich Babe Academy this month. Remember how I set a goal of having an $800,000 launch?! Well, when it came around to the open cart of the launch, I freaked the fuck out. My ego got in the way, and I didn’t believe I could do it. Granted, I’ve never in my life experienced a 6-figure launch… what made me think I could do almost 7 figures?
So I played a game with myself. The same game I played in 2016 to radically change my life. I decided to proceed with my life for 7 days as if I had nothing stopping me or holding me back. I decided that I could take Law of Attraction literally and that by pretending I already had the $800k launch, I could stop worrying and JUST HAVE FUN.
And so I had a ton of fun! I showed up for my audience via livestreams, Q&A sessions, a webinar I created off the top of my head that I knew would help more women decide that Rich Babe was THE course they needed to level up their money mindsets, and sent out a few emails/posts.
This launch really tested my ability to manifest money, and I’m so grateful I didn’t allow my perceived limitations to hold myself back. I decided that there’s no written rulebook out there that determined how much income I could generate for myself in just 7 days. I trusted the 7-day open cart/close cart process. Aaaand, I’m pleased to announce Manifestation Babe had its first multiple six-figure launch! $300,000 to be exact. No, I’ve never seen that much money come through my shopping cart in a month… let alone SEVEN DAYS.
The launch really set ourselves up for an amazing year. Manifestation Babe has already generated more business than it did in the entirety of 2017. I know this is going to be another quantum leap year. Why? Because I decided to show up as if it were. And so it is.
We didn’t hit the goal of $800,000 in a single launch… but I know we will get there by the end of the year. No doubts in our minds.
See, the secret to being a wildly successful entrepreneur is that you have to be really good at believing things before you see them. Most entrepreneurs choose to see it first, then believe it. Because of that choice, they end up limiting themselves and create results far below their potential.
I may teach manifestation, but I still have to practice it on a continual basis. Especially now that I have a team of 5 depending on me to make magic happen so that we can all thrive together. I couldn’t do it without them, and they couldn’t do it without me as the face of the company. I have to bring the purest intentions to the table and constantly challenge myself to believe in a zero limitation reality. It can be challenging when things don’t always go your way… but regardless, you must believe anyway.
Wins this month:
- My team has been absolutely KILLING IT. I have no idea what we would do without them!
- Three really big podcast and live stream interviews happened that brought really high-quality traffic our way
- Hit out biggest revenue month in the history of MB
- $300,000 launch for the Rich Babe Academy
- Booked a 4 night trip to Singapore for Brennan’s birthday so we can celebrate post-retreat
- Hired a top-notch videographer for the Bali retreat
Mistakes this month:
- My schedule has been absolute insanity. My coach is helping me figure out how to say “no” more often and stop overcommitting myself
- I haven’t had the best boundaries with a few people leading to some energy leaks I promised myself I’d clear up in the next month
Goals for March & Where I Landed:
- 403 new Rich Babe Academy students – We closed at 150 students this month
- Large focus on “attracting money with ease” messaging as I am feeling Spirit calling me to be the example of letting money be easy and resting more than I work – I felt like the Rich Babe Academy launch came really easily to me which was so impactful for me to see that we really CAN attract money with ease.
- Work through “She’s Killin’ It” journal for my own personal development and to keep me on track in this new season – DONE!
- Finish and lock in my outline for my next book – There were some interesting focus shifts with my book which I can’t wait to share in April.
- Manifest my highest grossing month to date – Aiming for $150k (this includes all 403 new RBA students)—and do it with GRACE & EASE – WOO! Done! Why didn’t I choose $200k? lol
Goals for April:
- Create the Manifestation Babe Academy – 4 week live course
- Take 4 days completely off from business in Singapore
- Rock the 2nd annual Manifestation Babe retreat and give the 12 women who joined an unforgettable experience in Bali
- Generate at minimum $90,000 (via recurring payments & smaller offers I already have on my website)
A lot of you asked if I could share some expense reports for Manifestation Babe. I think this is a great idea, but it does take some time to create an accurate report. So in the meantime, I wanted to share with you guys a few big expenses we’ve invested in the last month or so, as well as some averages to show you how much it costs to run Manifestation Babe.
This will give you a better idea and show you that in business, it’s SUPER important to reinvest your profits and the bigger you get, the bigger the costs can get as well. Even though our profit margins are so much better than most industries, we are constantly working on increasing them as best as we can.
- Hired a top-notch videographer to document the Bali Retreat – $10,000 w/flights and
- Bali Retreat expenses (include villa, food, excursions, goodies, flights for team & team) – $28,000
- Manifestation Babe Photoshoot weekend to update website photos + create a year’s worth of photos – about $15,000
- New website + 2 membership sites – about $10,000
- Costs of keeping Manifestation Babe open without all the bells & whistles (super basics like websites, staff, tech, and email/shopping cart software) – $17,300
Did you enjoy this report? Did you love this idea? Did it help you in any way?
Will you leave a comment below and share this with another entrepreneur who could totally benefit from this?
It would mean the world to me and help me spread this message on the power of honesty, transparency, and vulnerability. It would also inspire me to keep putting myself out there and share with you my wins, my losses, and lessons learned each and every single month from this point forward.
Thank you so much for reading my CEO report from March of 2018! It’s amazing to look back on the growth of Manifestation Babe and transparently share our wins, goals, and mistakes to help inspire you and give you some perspective into the growth of our business!
Kathrin Zenkina