3 transformative days to radically shift your money mindset & discover a clear path to experience money through ease & flow.

Sign up below to marathon my first training in 2 years!


Open the Floodgates to Infinite Abundance 

3-day training with Kathrin Zenkina

3 transformative days to radically shift your money mindset & discover a clear path to experience money through ease & flow.

Sign up below to marathon my first training in 2 years!


Open the Floodgates to Infinite Abundance 

3-day training with Kathrin Zenkina

I’ve spent more than a decade mastering the art of receiving & circulating money through pleasure, fun & a sense of ease.

I know what it’s like trying to force more into your life. 

I’ve felt the pressure and stress that can come up around it. 

And I’ve devoted myself to reclaiming my power and cultivating the calm, QUEEN energy that allows me to experience money from a much more empowered state. 

Now I’m sharing everything I’ve learned along the way to lead more of the collective to massive money breakthroughs just like these!

Working harder WON'T create sustainable weath...

Burnout ISN'T sustainable...

Hustling your a** off WON'T get you to the top...

It’s time to take your power back & remember that money responds to YOU. 


It’s time to take your power back & remember that money responds to YOU. 


Feeling STUCK when it comes to money is a major indicator that you’re out of alignment with the frequency of abundance. 

But here’s the real shocker for most - that stuck feeling isn’t the symptom of your money struggles.

It’s the CAUSE. 

You were taught you have to hustle, struggle, and sacrifice your way to wealth and abundance. 

But the energy of money is neutral, expansive, and free flowing by nature. 

And guess what? 


I can't promise that this 3-day training will magically bring more money into your life. 

That would be irresponsible and unethical for me to do so. 

What I can promise is that at the end of this training you’ll have a whole new perspective of how money CAN show up in your life, the steps to get there, and a clear path forward to become more financially empowered than ever before. 

And THAT is worth more than any dollar amount that could be promised to you.

Because reclaiming your power around money means YOU get to create your financial destiny. 

You’re here for a reason. And I know you’re ready for this, babe! 

Sign up to marathon the FREE 3-day training & let’s raise the collective financial frequency together! 

So that money can become a zenned out blissful experience (read: regulated nervous system) that feels supportive, expansive, and as natural as taking your next breath - in and out with EASE. 

Allow me to remind you of your limitlessness & help you get back into flow during this never before seen 3-day training

**This Training is 100% FREE. However, an option to upgrade your experience & maximize your breakthroughs with an exclusive audio bundle for just $14.99 will be available upon registering** 

Allow me to remind you of your limitlessness & help you get back into flow during this never before seen 3-day training

So that money can become a zenned out blissful experience (read: regulated nervous system) that feels supportive, expansive, and as natural as taking your next breath - in and out with EASE. 

I’m ready! Sign me up!


This work is my life’s purpose...

And those who’ve experienced it have had results like this: